Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Emma Louise Benfold

'This,' said Abigail, 'Is my baby sister.  Look at her sticking her tongue out at me!'

'I don't have to poke her eye out, but I can if I want!'

Abigail, Anna and Emma said 'My Grandad says we're the three most beautiful girls in the world' - but I really can't see what he sees in the other two!'

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Anna, February 2nd 2010

These photos all taken the same day:

Friday, 15 January 2010

Abigail and Emma, January 5th 2010

Emma Louise Benfold was born on January 3rd 2010, and is the image of her older sister. It's taken a little while to get a photo uploaded: some concern over Anna's health last week occupied all our time.

But here are two of our three granddaughters, pictured together for the first time. I look forward to adding a picture of all 3 - in fact, several pictures of all 3.